Sunday, April 12, 2015


A young seminarian spoke at services this morning, and she called on a scriptural passage that included that there had been rejoicing.  She explored how often in scripture that we read what is around the rejoicing, but don't really consider that the rejoicing itself is as important.

Leaving the church in downtown DC in the middle of the "peak" weekend of the Cherry Blossom Festival, I couldn't help but think of her words as I looked at nature rejoicing around me.  I wish I knew the names of all of the blooming trees and bushes, but suffice it to say, they were exploding in a range of whites and pinks, accented by the yellow of forsythia all about.  I stopped and chatted with a homeless "friend" after leaving the Metro, and as the warmth of the sun bathed us, we talked about how wonderful the singing of all the birds.

Those who have read this blog for a while know how excited I get when nature produces splendid displays.  Astrologically, I am an earth sign.  I don't follow astrology all that much, but I wonder if that is why I am so impacted by nature.  I know there is nothing that makes me feel closer to God than one of these explosions of nature.

Today, I can't help but wonder whether rejoicing with nature isn't similar to the scriptural references to rejoicing.  We get caught up in whatever is happening on stage and totally miss the splendor of the sets the establish the tone for our lives.  I am going to be very intentional this season about letting all the "stuff" that is going on in my life be less important and allowing the rejoicing of nature around me be what is truly important.

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