Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Left Hanging

When I was catching up with a friend in a phone conversation last night, I suddenly realized how many situations in my life in the last few days have been "left hanging."  Everything from an inactivated key fob to my apartment building to whom no one responded to calls and a similarly unreturned phone call from a merchant who double-billed my credit card to a potential trip to the West Coast to work in less than a week and a week-long training the following week.  There was a message that was supposed to go out to all of our employees that just seemed to vanish, and several of us sought but couldn't figure out where it went.

As I was commuting to work this morning, I got an email that "left hanging" an important meeting that I am facilitating in less than a month which involves people commuting from all over the country.  There are several other situations in which I find myself waiting for a decision from someone else.

Any time I find a "similar lesson" recurring in my life, I take notice.  I ask myself what the spiritual lesson here is to learn.  I am still scratching my head on this one. By nature, I am pretty relaxed: I'm certainly far from a control-freak. I spent enough years in business for myself to be accustomed to being "left hanging" for months on end for a potential client to come through, and I've been an employee consultant long enough to be used to being pushed and pulled at someone else's whim. And, generally, how ever things work out, they usually work out for the best, so what's to be uptight about?

None of these situations would have even gotten my attention if it hadn't been for the realization that almost nowhere in my life do I know what is happening even tomorrow and certainly not a week from now.  I cannot believe that this is mere coincidence, but what am I to learn?  Maybe that others don't care about leaving me hanging so I shouldn't care about them?  I am a caring person.  I can't imagine that is the lesson. 

I really wish that I had an answer to share.  What I can tell you is that I started the day with the Babbling Brook again, and I listened once again during the day. Through all of this "spiritual school," I'm relaxed and at peace.  Maybe it is a test, and if that is the case, I think I am passing.  All is well...and left hanging.

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