Monday, August 25, 2014

The Babbling Brook

I built an extra 10 minutes into my schedule before work this morning to sit and listen to "The Babbling Brook." (Finding My Center, 8/24/14) Within seconds of plugging in my ear buds, I found myself taking such a deep breath that my chest almost heaved.  The next breath was almost as deep but more gentle. My shoulders dropped. Then, I drifted peacefully for the rest of my 10 minutes. 

What a great way to begin my day.  I floated to the Metro and down the escalator.  I normally would have jumped at the stacks of work on my desk, but today I took time to chat with a colleague who retired today.  I was crazy busy, and I spent most of the day racing a deadline.  At about 2 o'clock, I noticed that my breath was shallow again, and my shoulders had again crept up to my ears.  I stopped.  I reached for my iPhone and my ear buds and plugged in.

Once again it took less than 10 seconds to calm myself.  What has taken me so long to figure this out? I almost laugh out loud.  I really don't know why it took so long, but I am glad I found it did this soon.  As I refocus my attention on being centered in who I am, I am glad I have this tool.

I have often said that the first step in transformation is awareness.  This bit of awareness is truly empowering.  One day at a time, but this really feels like a huge step to getting back on track.

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