Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beginning again...every day

I find that it has been over two years since my first/only blog post. When I tune in with renewed post-retreat zeal to write frequently, I discover nothing has changed, and everything has changed.

Let me start again by capturing what feels like new perspective, but in truth is what I've always known.  First is the personal. On the back side of each of our hearts is a code that is unique in the world.  Before we came into human form, we collaborated with the wisdom of the Universe--God, Higher Power, Higher Self, or as I prefer Love-- to determine what the world would need during this short snip of time during which we will inhabit Planet Earth.  It is etched in our hearts. 

At any moment, we can "tune in" to hear what is needed at exactly this moment.  Not an hour from now, not a day from now, not a year from now...right now!  So, timing is essential.  If I listen to my heart in 2004, as I did when I  heard that I should move to Washington, D.C., but I don't get my posterior in gear to do so until mid-2006, the guidance isn't timely.  (I love Washington, but I sense it has been more of a struggle than it might have been if I'd come in 2004.)

The second is about the community living from the heart. Certain spiritual principles that transcend time and religion help us flow together.  Since I've written two books about choosing love over fear at any moment in time, that is one of my personal favorites.  Being of service to human kind is another.  Forgiveness as the direct path to Love is another.  These principles lead us to Love. 

I imagine how this works is that there is a ribbon of love that flows from heart to heart to heart, connecting all of human kind.  When we follow these principles, we electrify the connection between us and others.  Sometimes it is one person to another person.  Other times, events conspire to connect millions of us in love and compassion.

The challenge that we face is to live, moment to moment, from that sweet spot in which we are aligned with the universal principles and our unique heart destiny at the same time.  From that place, we cannot fail.  I call it "living a prayer in the real world"--the communion of the moment in which we check in, listen, and act...then start it all over again.  That is "integrity"--a word derived from the same source as "integer"-- when we are at one within ourselves and between others.

While there is nothing in my September 1, 2011, blog post that I disagree with, the intervening years have distilled my focus. Although the heart doesn't usually give us headlines about why we are here or what our purpose is,  I think that is what I am here: at this point in time my work is to help people live the prayer. 

I will be the first to say that living a prayer isn't easy, but it is ultimately the most satisfying life we can live--the one that is uniquely our own.  If you would like to share my journey and those of others on a similar path, I invite you to join me and share my blog with kindred spirits.  I am committing to sharing something almost every day--every day that I can connect, and I look forward to your support on this journey.

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