Monday, September 23, 2013

The cycle of nature begins again

The first full day of fall hit Washington with a very chilly morning and a late afternoon sun that bathed me with its warmth as I left the office at the end of the day.  I just stood and drank in its wonder.  As just a few leaves drifted gently to the ground, I was reminded that this is the beginning of the year.  Seeds fall, nestled into the soft ground and germinate for the next season...just like me. 

While some make resolutions in January, for me the cycle begins with the transition of season into the fall.  As this transition began to dawn upon me this weekend, I was drawn to commit to who I am...who I have always been...a writer.  And, I've sacrificed the writer inside me over the last few years on the altar of earning a living.  I've been longing for the integrity of putting words to the page, so even if no one reads this, I become more whole by doing it. 

As I was halfway through writing my first book Leading from the Heart, I can remember thinking  that I didn't care if anyone ever read it, I was learning so much from writing it that was all that mattered.  (Thank you for all who did read it. )  What I know in my heart is that if I do nothing else, I must find time for writing.

A few years ago I had an astounding meditation one day when just flowing from me were the words of why we are here in this world.
  • We came to deliver a service that is needed at this point in time.
  • We have certain lessons our soul needs to learn.
  • We are here to develop our unique gifts and talents.

Writing is clearly a gift that it is time for me to develop again.  Today, I write for the second day in a row.  I am planting seeds which will sprout in the spring and yield fruit in the summer. Today, I begin the cycle of nature...again.