Thursday, November 27, 2014

There will never be a time...

Famed mystery writer P. D. James died today at the age of 94.  In the news coverage of the passing, NPR played part of an old interview with James.  The lead-in to the interview was the notation that James didn't begin writing until she was middle-aged (whatever age that is.)  Then she produced popular works almost until her death.  In the interview, James says that she always wanted to write, but was so busy with her family and her job that she never had time.  When she reached middle-age, she said, she determined that there was never going to be time to write unless she just made the time.

As I began reflecting on the last year in preparation for my annual Thanksgiving meditation, what immediately popped into my mind that I had to be grateful for in the last year was writing.  For close to half of the year, I wrote posts for this blog almost daily and for two months early this year, I produced almost fifty pages of my memoir manuscript.  I also connected in a deeper way with regular followers, many of whom had been in my life for years...even decades.  I loved that.

When I heard the James interview, I realized that she was right.  If I waited to have time to write, I wouldn't ever write.  Just as she had done, I needed to make time to write. 

As I reflected, I realized that what had shifted since last winter was my intention.  My work hours were just as long, and I was just as mentally exhausted and tired of looking at a computer screen last winter as I am now. I even managed to keep writing pretty regularly through two eye surgeries. Last winter, however, I came home with the intention to write because I knew that doing so was feeding my soul in a way that nothing else in my life did anymore. 

Today I am grateful for the time I invested in writing last winter and for the realization that I would make writing a priority again.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. 

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