Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Spiritual Sweet Spot

I find it interesting how sometimes variations in a theme repeat throughout the day. Today the theme was about being comfortable with not knowing.  In a coaching session, an executive wrestled with planning for five years from now in a world so dynamic that no one could really know what that world would be like.

Later in the day I met with another executive, who knew his organization needed to change, but how it needed to change was unclear.

Over dinner before my tango class I received an email from a friend, who related a tumultuous summer during which she has continually had changes thrown on her path over which she's had no control... and all have left her hanging without answers. I found myself responding, "Ah! The spiritual sweet spot!"  I've written a lot about not-knowing "as a way of life," but I don't believe I've ever used that term.  Yet, it seemed just right.

I googled "the sweet spot," and it said the sweet spot is "the point or area on a bat, club, or racket at which it makes the most effective contact with the ball."  It added that the sweet spot was "an optimum point or combination of factors or qualities."  Just the right term.  The spiritual sweet spot is that point in our relationship with All That Is where we make most effective contact--an optimum point or combinations of factors to allow us to really connect with God.

My intention in my comment was that most traditions have some dimension of "God," which is mystery.  The times when I feel closest to God are the moments during which I am conscious that what happens is really out of my hands, so I might as well surrender to divine wisdom rather than attempting to control the uncontrollable.  To be "the sweet spot," I believe we really must be conscious that we are out of control but be both available and vulnerable to divine inspiration. 

When I've written about "not-knowing as a way of life," my message has been that we choose to embrace life from a place of knowing that we never really know, so we allow ourselves to always be available and vulnerable to divine inspiration.  It is about consciously holding the intention to allow ourselves to be guided--to live in sweet surrender.

I related yesterday that this evening I would walk to my dance class, take the class, and then perhaps write this post on my smartphone on the way home on the train.  As I walked from class to the Metro station, I puzzled over what to write.  I was tired, and nothing seemed to be there.  Quite appropriately, the moment I sat down and took out my phone, the thought of "the spiritual sweet spot" came to me.  That is often how these posts happen.  I just sit in "receive mode," and something always comes.  So, this article on the "spiritual sweet spot," was born from the spiritual sweet spot.  What could be truer?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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