Friday, September 19, 2014

Affirmation of Intention

I am always amazed at what happens when I get really clear about my intentions. The Universe responds.

On the first of September, when I pledged to bring more balance into my life, I knew that I already had work commitments which will force my hours to continue to be long through mid-November. Yet I knew that I had to take better care of myself to survive. Opportunities just began falling onto my path.

I went to look for something related on Google and found a Laughter Yoga certification course being offered just a few blocks from my home Sunday before last. I signed up. I went and laughed for most of a day. It ends up that serious belly laughing not only feels good, but it is aerobic (who knew?) and good for the immune system. Since it had been a lovely day, I walked the 20 or so blocks to the class and home again. What a great start in adding balance.

You will also recall that I committed to starting the day with a "babbling brook" meditation (8/25), and the most amazing thing happened. But before that, a little background.

I am a natural night owl. My juices start flowing about 4 pm, and by 10:00 or 10:30, I am ready to rock and roll. My best time on my career was when I could work all night, either writing or working with clients in Asia into the wee hours. I would knock it off about 4:30 in the morning, go to the 24-hour gym to workout, and be ready to go to bed at 6 am. (Oh, how I lust for those days.)

So it should come as no surprise that my current schedule, which has pretty much been my workday schedule for a dozen years, of getting up between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. really does not either optimize my natural cycle or personally delight me. I set two alarm blocks, one in a different room to make sure I get up.

Now back to the babbling brook. As soon as I stated that commitment, I started waking up on my own 20 minutes early several days a week, and at least 10 on the others. On Friday, I start an hour later so I get to sleep in until 6:20, and it happened today as well.  At 6:00 a.m., I was wide awake.  I really feel the whole invisible world must be cheering my commitment so loudly that it awakens me. Even more astounding, I haven't felt tired. Not the least bit sleepy, just raring to go.

As I've written, I moved from the waiting list where I'd been sitting for weeks and got into a personal growth workshop last week, which was really good for my soul.

A coach that I've been mentoring invited me to lunch yesterday, assuring that I not only got lunch, but also had a break, and social interaction. Yeah!  A colleague from the class I took last week stopped by to visit for 30 minutes and talk about the experience, giving me more social interaction.

The weather shifted about the same time as my commitment, making it most pleasant to walk 30 minutes to the Chinatown Metro stop instead of the one that is five minutes away, assuring that I get my 30 minutes of aerobic activity in almost every day.

Finally, I have gotten back to my Thursday night Argentine tango class, which feeds my right brain (praise The Lord!) my body, and my spirit.

I believe that by firmly drawing a line in the sand about bringing balance back into my life, I unleashed forces beyond me to affirm my intention. This has happened before. When I get truly clear, I have lots of help.  All I have to do is re-member how much help I have out there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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