Friday, February 14, 2014


While not without a couple more computer bumps, this has been a good day. I slept until I awakened naturally, remembering several dreams. I wrote for several hours, and I took a walk in our beautiful 50+ degree day as our snow rapidly melted.  It felt good to move, and after a month of bitter cold, I loved being able to walk comfortably in a short jacket with the sun on my face. I ate a delicious healthy dinner, and then I watched the Winter Olympics.  I am an Olympics junkie, and I am particularly fond of the ice skating events in the winter games, part of tonight's program.

When I sat to write, I was totally still.  My mind, which races so much of the time, was quiet.  It was quite remarkable, as if I were ending a meditation rather than starting one. The white stillness is quite a gift, and while I truly relish the exquisiteness, I was also curious.  Why so still tonight?

I believe that just BEing all day opened the door.  I flowed effortlessly through the day without thinking or planning, just following my inspiration, moment to moment.  I was being me.  This seems to me how it should be all day, every day--the way we were meant to be.  I cannot think of anything more important to say than being at peace is truly heaven on earth, and today I am most grateful to be there.

Post script: The morning after I wrote this post, NPR reported on a new study done on "happiness."  Participants in the study were given an app to report when they felt most happy.  After reporting their happiness, they were asked what they had been doing.  Activities in which people were totally engaged generated the most happiness.  I called it "peace" but I sure was happy too.

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