Friday, December 20, 2013

The Evolution of Acceptance

Tonight was my night to volunteer at Washington's Arena Stage. Volunteers get to see a performance after working, and the play was "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner." When the Academy Award-winning movie came out in 1967, it rocked America. Not only was the prospect of an interracial marriage shocking at the time, but the candor with which it dealt with racism in both the black and white parents poignantly seized audiences. While I'm sure that there are still places where such a pairing would still create waves, after several generations of mixed marriages, there are many settings in which it would hardly cause ripple.

Now instead of being rocked by interracial marriage, same-sex marriage is at center stage. Coincidentally, today New Mexico became the 17th state to allow same-sex marriage. On one of those end-of-the-year news reflection programs today, a commentator opined that the speed with which such nuptials had gained acceptance was a prominent story in itself.

People fall in love. They want to commit to being with each other, but others think they should make the rules. They tell us that someone is the wrong color, ethnicity, or gender...that someone is too poor or has the wrong job or went to the wrong school.

We are supposed to love God and love each other. Period. Not judge others. Accept them. Love them. That's it. And, that is how we evolve. We evolve ourselves as we evolve acceptance.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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