Thursday, December 26, 2013

Only Five Shopping Days Left

"Only Five Shopping Days Left" at this time of year is usually associated with shopping days before Christmas to buy gifts. Not so this reminder. These five shopping days are the last five days of the Grocery Store Game (12/1/13.)

Most people, including those who do not religiously observe Christmas, would agree that the holiday season is a time of connection--with friends and family, The Grocery Store Game is an effort and discipline to connect with those we don't know and usually look through or by, like the grocery store clerk (thus the game's name.) I challenged my readers (and myself) to create connection with three people each day in the month of December. We are now down to the last five days.

I've had surprising connections with people in my work building, neighbors, and even a quite remarkable homeless man. I even hosted someone for Christmas dinner that I didn't know well. (My philosophy is the more the merrier.) And I still have five days remaining!

What opportunities remain: perhaps even a connection with the person you were fighting with over that black cashmere sweater at the after-Christmas sale.

If you haven't made a "stretch connection"--to actually have a conversation with someone from a very different walk of life, there are still five days left.

Some believe that at Christmastime there is a special window that opens to the Universe, that we humans can create particularly powerful connections. Just because the big day is over doesn't mean that opportunity is gone: there are still five shopping days left.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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