Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hidden in Plain Sight

Snow blanketed the park behind my apartment today, and like magic, something appeared amidst the trees that I'd never seen before.  Four white rectangles appeared.  What an unusual thing--all those right angles among the flowing organic lines of the woods. I had known that somewhere out there were a few houses, which had been in the woods before it was a park, but usually the foliage has camouflaged them, or I thought it did.  The foliage has been gone for at least six weeks, though, and I hadn't noticed the houses.

Seeing the white rectangles really made me wonder: what else in my world is hidden in plain sight--just sitting there waiting for snow to fall on it, like a sign shouting "See me!"  What else might I see that I've been missing?  What if love or joy were observable?  I sense that they are all around us, but I haven't been able to see them. Or maybe I haven't allowed myself to see them.  What if the finer qualities of people we don't like so much were there like billboards so we couldn't miss them?  Or maybe those invisible creatures that support us, like angels encouraging us to grow. We could see them and how much they want us to succeed. 

What if all those things that have been hidden in plain sight were as apparent as the rooftops of houses in the park?  I sense that I would be able to trust more.  I chuckle even as I write it.  I could trust more if I could see all those things that I should trust are there anyway.  Is that trust?  If we can see things, they don't require trust. Trusting is believing what we can't see.

I am guessing, and it is only a guess, that if we really trust, we actually will see those things that might appear to be invisible...like magic, hidden in plain sight.

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