Wednesday, January 8, 2014


One of the hardest things that I've wrestled with is listening to my wisdom.  We have different kinds of wisdom. Spiritual wisdom, physical wisdom, emotional wisdom--all we really need is inside of us.  We just need to listen...and act on what we hear.

Over the years, I've been very good at listening sometimes.  When I was told to fly to North Carolina on October 19, 1993, I got up in the middle of the night and made reservations.  When I heard to build a house on a particular lot, I wrote a check for the deposit. Even totally giving up eating wheat was fairly short order. The big things have usually been the easiest for me for some reason.  As it works out, the rewards have been huge as well.

That I should avoid eating sugar, I struggle with even though I know that I feel better without it.  And, career management is really hard to let go of.  A few weeks ago my boss's boss told me to apply for a certain job.  It would have been a promotion, but I knew it wasn't right.  I spent 20 hours completing the application process, knowing that it was wrong.  Really!

I am not alone in this challenge.  I've had a coaching client who knew he should break up with his fiancé, but she was nice arm jewelry so he didn't.  I've had clients who knew but pretended to be confused, and others needed to know "Why?" or how it would work out. It took me two and a half years of hearing that I should move to Washington before I did it. (I love it here!) When we listen, that is all we need to know.  Listening is really where we step into our power.

Today, my body is telling me that it is very tired, and I should go to bed.  The time is the bedtime of a third grader.  Tonight I listen and go to bed very early.

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