Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Peace That Passes All Understanding

As I was making myself something for dinner this evening, I began to think about what I might write in my blog tonight.  Well, of course, that is all wrong.  There I go thinking again:  my writing is supposed to come from my heart and not my head.

Nonetheless, almost like an earworm, for the last 90 minutes, the phrase from the Christian New Testament of Philippians "the peace that passes all understanding" has been playing over and over again, echoing behind cooking sounds, the radio, the TV, and even as I ran water to wash my face and brush my teeth.

"The peace that passes all understanding."  I thought it was a topic.  Now, my heart knows it is a process.  Just allow myself to sink into peace and let the words flow through me.  Why the repetition?  It was almost as if my soul was meditating me instead of me meditating.  I've often talked with coaching clients about letting their prayers pray them.  Like a mantra, the phrase "the peace that passes all understanding" meditated me. 

The point of letting prayers pray us is to just listen deeply to what our soul wants to pray and to let go of the clutter with which our brains would clutter our communication channels.  When I've prayed this way with clients, it is very slow, and the words just gently float out. Mostly what floats out are words of gratitude, and gratitude for such little things that most of us would never think to include in our prayers.   It has been such a long time since I've let my prayers pray me.  I think it is time.  Our souls are so wise.


  1. Beautiful thought for me this morning as I prepare myself to take a certification exam. Thank you. :-)
