Friday, October 18, 2013

"If a Tree Falls,..."

There is an oft-quoted question, "If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" (George Berkeley)  There are those who would say that if there is no one to witness the fall, the tree falling down doesn't make a sound.  Others would argue that, of course, a tree falling makes a sound; whether someone hears it is moot.  We will never know for sure.  The heart of the matter is whether something exists without a witness.

For me, on this day, this is a poignant question.  For over a month, I've been keeping my commitment to write a daily post to this blog, exploring the spiritual questions and bits of wisdom I encounter on my path.  It has been rich for me.  It is a spiritual practice. 

Today it has been 10 days since anyone has read my blog.  Without witnesses, like the tree falling in the forest, I wonder if my Voice has been muted.  Is my exercise a vain one? There are really two answers to this question.  Both start with "no."

Answer One: No; it is not a vain exercise.  Spiritual teacher Carolyn Myss has talked about having a "prayer chakra," something like a prayer bank account.  If we faithfully make deposits every day, someday when we really need it and call on God for help, we will have a well-tuned connection.  I am faithfully showing up, and will continue to faithfully show up, to make deposits. Think of writing this blog as not only developing my writing muscle, but making deposits to my spiritual bank account.

Answer Two: No; it is not a vain exercise.  My soul has been greatly enriched.  Each day I learn, or more often remember, things I didn't know or had forgotten.  I am becoming truer to myself.  I have been awakened from my autopilot existence.  If no one ever reads it, writing the blog is doing the three things that Helen in The Game Called Life said that life was really about.  It is helping me to develop my gifts, in this case for writing.  It is helping me to grow spiritually and learn spiritual lessons. It is available to be of service to the evolution of the Universe when the time is right.  Writing this blog is why I am this life.  That is real.

I have no idea about that tree falling in the forest, but I do know that whatever we do to help ourselves be more whole is enough.  The very act of writing and becoming more whole is having an impact on the world.  So, I will keep writing....


  1. Kay, I have been reading your blog every day, so not sure where your info is coming. Some of your posts have been very moving. Keep in mind that you are sharing some very intimate thoughts and not all of us want to make our responses public...or even know what to say. I am still processing your post on friendship. So, your posts are making a sound. They feel very much like reading your personal diary. I wonder what is your intention for this blog....? Is it only for you? :-)

  2. Thanks for letting me know, Karen. I get a report each day of visits, and they've been showing up "0" each day. There've also been problems with comments, so maybe we are just seeing another technological issue. My guidance was to share what was on my heart. Thanks for sharing the journey with me.
