Thursday, October 24, 2013


Washington is finally experiencing some serious fall weather with temperatures predicted into the 30s tonight.  A serious chill brought shivers to my jaw as I walked to dinner in the city this evening. Yet, I am warm--warm in a way that, regrettably, I have rarely been in recent past. 

I've just spent three hours with special friends.  We've been friends since college, and that was more than a few years ago. It has probably been over three years since two of us were together, and more likely a dozen since all of us were together.  We did the usual catching up on our day-to-day lives, shared stories of health challenges, and talked about what we thought the next chapter in our lives would be. They got a brief tour of my new home. It was a fun evening.

Sometime early in the evening, I realized that I had been wrong in this blog yesterday.  I can let love in.  I can feel that warm vibration in my heart with other humans.  I felt it tonight.  It was wonderful, and I want to let more of love into my life.  What could be more important?

If the world works like I am pretty sure it is supposed to, this heart-to-heart warmth should be normal all the time.  People connecting to people connecting to people in a ribbon of love that connects the whole world.  I've advocated for it. I've believed it could be.  I've even talked about how important it is that those of us who want to change humankind focus on staying in that spot until we build critical mass to global transformation.  I couldn't quite get there myself.  Or maybe I could at some time in the past, but not yesterday or the day before or the day before that.

At what point between two days ago and several decades ago did I lose the ability to let love in? Does it matter?  What really matters is that today--this one miraculous day--my heart opened.  I really believe that if I can do that tomorrow, the day after that, and 100 days after that, we can change the world.  I am confident that is why I am here in this world.  I am pretty sure that is why we are all here.  Seems like changing the world is pretty soon as the heart creaks open to just one person. I think the first is the hardest.  Tomorrow, I will open again.

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